How to Enable And Use FFZ Emotes On Twitch

How to Enable And Use FFZ Emotes On Twitch?

FFZ is a great alternative to BTTV if you want to add some variety to your Twitch channel. This tutorial will show you how to enable and use FFZ Emotes on Twitch.

What is FFZ on Twitch?

FFZ is the acronym for FrankerFaceZ. It’s similar to BetterTTV, a streaming extension that allows users to customize their streams with custom emotes.

Of course, because it is a different program, it provides a distinct experience.

What is FFZ Twitch

If you want to spice up your channel with something other than BTTV, FFZ is the way to go.

Thousands of streamers have joined up to this point.

There are dozens of customizable elements to make your Twitch chat come to life, including keyword highlighting, darker themes, and much more.

But, before we go any further, if you’re having trouble deciding between frankerfacez and BetterTTV, check out our previous article for more information.

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How to enable FFZ emotes on Twitch?

The step-by-step process is more or less than the same as installing BTTV, but we’ll still go into details in case you missed out on the previous article.

  1. Visit this link.
  2. Scroll down until you see the large download button. It will be in sync with the browser you use to access the website. If you want to download for another browser, simply click the ‘Other Browsers’ option under the button. Doing so will trigger the download process of an installer for the selected web browser. Or in another scenario, it may redirect to a URL where the app is hosted. For example, if it’s Chrome, it will open up the extension page on the Chrome Web Store.
  3. Click ‘Add to Chrome’, confirm you selection by clicking ‘Add Extension’.
  4. It has now officially been integrated into your PC. Before using the emotes, there are some additional steps to take for proper configuration.
  5. Log in to your Twitch account. The new ‘FrankerFaceZ Control Center’ button on top navigation bar next to ‘Get Bits’ proves that you’ve installed the extension successfully. Click it to launch the main dashboard in which tweaks can be implemented.
  1. On the left sidebar, click on ‘Emote Menu’, and tick the option that says ‘Use the FrankerFaceZ Emote Menu’. There you have it, the emotes will be accessible by viewers shortly after.

Related: Why Can’t I See Emotes on Twitch Chat?

How to add FFZ emotes to your Twitch stream?

  1. After installing the extension, return to the FFZ official site. Click on the ‘Connect to Twitch’ logo on top right corner. Insert your login credentials. Authenticate with the 6-digit code sent to your inbox, and then click ‘Authorize’.
  2. Click ‘Emotes’ from the top menu bar > ‘Public Library’. On the next page, you’ll see popular emotes used on Twitch along with their usage counts. Check the ones you wish to add, and then click the ‘Add Selected to Channel’ window on the right-hand side of the page. The ‘Remove’ button is right below this option in case you want to undo the action.

How many emotes does a streamer get with FFZ emotes?

Each sign-up includes 25 emote slots. When you first log in to the FFZ dashboard, it displays (0 of 25).

When you’ve exhausted all of the slots, it’ll read (25 of 25). The only way to add new emotes is to first detach the existing ones.

By the way, while the slots may appear insignificant in comparison to what BTTV has to offer, they are actually quite generous.

Why can’t I see FFZ emotes?

FFZ emotes are only visible if the extension is installed on your web browser.

Otherwise, the classic problem of seeing character sequences would persist.

Many new viewers and streamers don’t know that they need to install this extension to use Twitch chat, let alone use twitch chat bot for automated responses.

If you stumbled across this article by accident and don’t already have one installed on your web browser, go back and follow the setup instructions we previously described.

Another possible source of such problems is the failure to update to the most recent version of the extension, which may be the case for long-term users.

If that doesn’t work, consider reinstalling and clearing the browser cache. Hopefully, one of these approaches will solve the problem.

Can you use FFZ emotes on Twitch mobile?

At the time of writing, FFZ does not support mobile use.

To use the emotes, you must first log in to Twitch on your PC.

Remember that the main requirement is to have the FrankerFaceZ extension installed, which effectively eliminates the possibility of viewing the emotes on mobile.

Can you use FFZ emotes on Youtube?

No, it can’t. Do you want to see them on your YouTube channel?

Well, you’re out of luck because FFZ emotes do not currently support YouTube integration.

BTTV, on the other hand, will satisfy your craving because it is platform compatible.

Because the platform’s popularity is growing, we believe it’s not out of the question that YouTube Gaming support will be added one day.

Does FrankerFaceZ work on Mozilla Firefox?

Yes, it does. However, the setup is not as simple as in Chrome.

Instead of taking you to a direct link in the Firefox extension library, you’ll have to download and install a file to your local drive.

Does FrankerFaceZ work on Mozilla Firefox

The full guide can be found on the official website.

Simply select Mozilla Firefox from the list of browsers.

You’d be greeted with a pop-up window outlining the installation process.

How do I get FFZ on opera?

Interestingly, adding this extension to Opera necessitates a visit to the Chrome Web Store.

When you open the link in Chrome, it will say ‘Add to Chrome.’ When it’s Opera, the same button will change to ‘Add to Opera.’

The rest of the procedure is pretty much the same.

How to use FrankerFaceZ on Chrome?

We wrote a step-by-step tutorial earlier in this article that you can refer to.

All you have to do now is go back to the top of the page to find the answer.

Wrap Up

Today’s post is all about how to enable and use FFZ emotes on Twitch.

To put it briefly, FFZ is an alternative to BetterTTV. It’s a browser extension that allows Twitch streamers to use cool emotes in their chat.

Emotes have become an essential part of the Twitch ecosystem.

So, unless you’re completely unaware of what they are, it’s critical that you use them, especially if you’re an aspiring streamer yourself.

Enabling emotes on Twitch prevents viewers from seeing unreadable text in the chatbox.

When FFZ or BTTV is installed, those words will be transformed into flashy graphics.

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