How to Check How Long Someone Has Been Streaming on Twitch

How to Check How Long Someone Has Been Streaming on Twitch?

If you haven’t followed it from the start, you may not realize that you’ve missed a large chunk of a stream. The worst part is that by the time you…

If you haven’t followed it from the start, you may not realize that you’ve missed a large chunk of a stream.

The worst part is that by the time you join, the stream is about to end.

It suggests that since it has been up for quite a while, the streamer needs to take a break.

This may leave you wondering how to check how long someone has been streaming on Twitch.

Well, there’s an answer to that, and we’ll have it covered in this article.

How to check how long someone has been streaming on Twitch

  1. Go to the Twitch website.
  2. Find one stream that you want to know its live streaming duration.
  3. Shift your focus to the bottom right of the stream, where the subscribe and follow buttons are located.
  1. You should find the stream’s duration there next to the number of concurrent viewers.
  2. It’s pretty simple, right? Note that this doesn’t require any tools. All you have to do is access the site using a PC. We said so because that’s the system that this information can be displayed on. If you watch on Twitch mobile, the timer won’t show up. But don’t worry, there’s still a solution to that.
  3. For mobile users, you can take advantage of chat commands to reveal the duration of a broadcast.
  4. All you have to do is type in “!uptime” in the chatbox.
  5. Keep in mind that for this to work, the streamer has to enable the command feature. Otherwise, you won’t be able to use it.
  6. What will happen when you input the command in the chat is that the bot will reply with the stream’s total duration. Having this set up not only benefits viewers, but also streamers, as they don’t have to answer the same question over and over again.

How do I find out how long I’ve been streaming?

As said before, you don’t need a special tool to find out the total duration of a stream.

That information is made public for everyone to see, meaning that users and casual viewers alike can access it.

Just go to Twitch and open one of the broadcasts. Look at the bottom right corner next to the chatbox. You’ll find it there.

This requires viewing on a desktop computer because the mobile version doesn’t support that.

And if you want to do it from a smartphone, the second method should work. That said, this only works when a channel has commands enabled.

But, how do you know if it’s currently active?

Just type in “!uptime”. The bot will get back to you with relevant information.

If you’re a streamer and want it to be part of the chat, you can consider Moobot. It simplifies the way to moderate chat since it can handle a bunch of tedious tasks.

  1. To install it, go to this site.
  2. Click on ‘Connect With Twitch’.
  3. Insert the valid credentials, and then hit the “Log In” button.
  4. There will be a confirmation to grant access. You should click “Authorize.”
  1. Right after that, you’ll be redirected to the Moobot dashboard. On the left-hand side of the screen, you’d see a green magic wand icon. Click on it to make the bot a mod in your chat. This is a critical step that can’t be skipped. Once the setup is successful, you’ll receive this notification “Status: All OK!”
  2. You can now try the “!uptime” command in the chat box or edit it further. Watch the video above for a comprehensive tutorial.

Wrap up

We’ve told you how to check how long someone has been streaming on Twitch, but it’s worth noting that the maximum length for a single broadcast is 48 hours.

In other words, you won’t see a stream exceeding this mark on the timer.

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