How to install sega emulator for PSP

How to Install Sega Emulator for PSP?

So you have a Sony Playstation Portable (PSP). You love Sega games. And now, you wanted to know how to install a Sega emulator on PSP? Well, First, you have…

So you have a Sony Playstation Portable (PSP). You love Sega games.

And now, you wanted to know how to install a Sega emulator on PSP?

Well, First, you have to decide what emulator to add because each one comes with a different setup.

For this purpose, our team has tried and tested a bunch of different emulators, and we can only recommend you these:

  • RetroArch
  • PicoDrive
  • DGEN

In this article, we’ll review RetroArch, Pico Drive, and DGEN, three of the best options around.

It’s known for the broad compatibility across platforms. Not only on PC, but you can also run it on mobile devices.

On top of that, the game formats it supports are just as extensive, and Sega is one of them.

The program is feature-rich, has a menu to allow for easy navigation through the list of games. Besides, it offers an option to set up a controller.

Now, without further ado, if you want to add it to your portable system, here’s the tutorial:

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RetroArch Tutorial: Steps on How to Install Sega Emulator for PSP

  1. The PSP can run RetroArch (you can download here), it just needs to have custom firmware installed, such as PRO-C2 and Infinity.
  2. Once you have it installed, download the PSP version of RetroArch on the official site.
  3. Click on the link, and then head to the download section. Keep scrolling down until you notice the PSP logo. Make sure it’s the one with ‘PlayStation Portable’ written underneath because next to it is a file for the PS2 which has uncanny resemblance in its logo if you’re not careful.
  4. There’s the word ‘Download’ right below. Click it to initiate the process.
  5. Once it’s saved on the local drive, pair your PSP with the PC using a USB cable.
  6. Now go back to the computer screen. Navigate to the location where the RetroArch file was downloaded. It should come in .7z format. With this, it’s only logical to find a matching file compressor program and install it on your computer. You can extract it to the same exact location for easy finding.
  7. Before we continue, it’s better to delete the compressed file to stop you from mistaking it for the one already extracted.
  8. Now that the emulator is ready, you’d need another complementary element to make it work, and that is a ROM or a game file. We feel the need to leave you with a disclaimer that we’re not in any way, shape, or form suggest downloading ROMs even if they’re readily accessible on the internet. That’s because they are subject to copyright protection. Please increase your knowledge of this topic to fully comprehend the distribution of this content.
  9. We’ll move forward with the tutorial. Let’s assume you already have a ROM ready, you can proceed with the next steps. ROM files can be stored in individual folders, anyway.
  10. Drag the folder containing the game into the RetroArch folder. It’s more convenient to drag and drop it instead of using the copy-paste feature because this can avoid confusion like the previous step when we suggested you delete the archived RetroArch file.
  11. Now copy the RetroArch folder, and then go to the PSP drive. Use the Windows Explorer to locate that. There should be a folder named ‘PSP’ as you double-click on the drive.
  12. Enter the folder, you’d see the ‘GAME’ folder inside. Double-click on it to disclose the contents. This is the location where the RetroArch folder should be pasted onto.
  13. Now that the folder has been added to the PSP system, you can unplug the handheld device.
  1. At this point you no longer need to keep tabs on the PC. The rest of the process is done right on your PSP.
  2. Navigate to the system menu and find ‘USB Connection’. Scroll to the right till you see the Games tab.
  3. RetroArch should appear on the Memory Stick. If it’s nowhere to be found in that section, odds are you’ve moved it into the system storage.
  4. No matter where it showed up, as long as the RetroArch icon was visible, you did the right thing. Select it and use the ‘X’ button to launch the program.
  5. For first time users, the roles of the X and O buttons can be a bit confusing. As you get into the program, the roles of both change. O is for select, and X is for return. But in case you have trouble getting used to it, just adjust it on the main menu.
  6. Highlight ‘Load Core’, and then hit the ‘O’ button to continue.
  7. The next page is filled with cores which basically refer to systems on which you can load your favorite games. Use the D-pad to find the specific system that you want. Once you find it, use ‘O’ to select.
  8. Next, choose ‘Load Content’ from the list on the main menu. It’s located right below ‘Load Core’.
  9. Remember where you saved the ROM file because you’ll need to locate it through one of the provided options. If it’s on the memory stick, go with ‘MS0’. Pressing ‘O’ on it will take you to the root of the Memory Stick.
  10. Choose ‘Parent Directory’, which is the first name on the subsequent list of options. Enter it, you’ll see all the folders you added to the RetroArch folder previously.
  11. You’re now just one click away from the ROM file. Recall the location where you stored it at the very beginning. Once you find the title, just click it.
  12. All you have to do next is keep on pressing the circle button until the game loads.

PicoDrive Tutorial: Best Sega Genesis Emulator for your PSP

  1. Download this version of the emulator (link is here). Second, establish a connection between the PSP and your computer by plugging a USB cable into the correct slots.
  2. Next, check out the menu on the PSP. Find ‘System’, and then choose ‘USB’, followed by pressing ‘X’.
  3. Go back to your monitor, extract the emulator file you’ve just downloaded. It’s normal for this type of file to be archived in zip format. You’d need file compression software to extract it. Free or premium, it’s all up to you. Just make sure to extract it in the right location. Otherwise, it may not work in the end. Click the plus sign right next the PSP drive. Choose the ‘Game’ folder and then OK. This will send the file to the specified location.
  4. Download BIOS file. This is another essential element necessary for proper functioning of an emulator. Some programs need the installation of BIOS files in order to run games. Look it up on Google. If the file is in RAR format, use a file compression program to extract it. Simply open the folder, block all the files inside it, and choose ‘Extract To’. Please pay attention to the location. Click the ‘+’ symbol you see adjacent to the PSP folder. Choose the ‘Game’ folder, and finish the command by clicking OK.
  5. Launch ‘Computer’, click on the PSP drive twice quickly. Explore this location ‘PSP/GAME/PicoDrive’. You’d come across folders, and at the last part, right click to create a new folder. Name it with ‘ROM’.
  6. This ROM folder is supposed to hold all the ROM/BIN files. Assuming you’ve had them ready, just copy them to this location.
  7. We’re halfway through the process at this point. The next step is to terminate the connection between both devices (PC and PSP). Now shift your focus to the handheld. Head to the ‘Game’ menu, find ‘Memory’ and then hit the ‘X’ button.
  8. Done right, the PicoDrive icon should show up. Highlight it and hit X once again. On the next section, select ‘Load New ROM/ISO’, and hit the ‘O’ button.
  9. Any game you successfully added will appear here. Choose one, and to enter, press ‘O’. This will launch the game shortly after.

DGEN Tutorial for PSP

Here’s the tutorial for version v1.40 for 1.50 PSP:

  • First thing first, 2 PSPs are needed for the setup.
  • Add the ROM to both devices. It’s worth-noting that the ROM / game file should be the same copied both handhelds.
  • Head to configuration menu, and then set ‘comm mode’ to ‘1P (adhoc)’ on 1P, followed by ‘2P (adhoc)’ on 2P. This should be the default setting for every game. Changes are permanent, so before they’re saved, do a double-check to ensure you input the correct details.
  • Return to the game, do this simultaneously across the two devices.
  • After that, the emulator will try to establish a connection and load the game. Wait for about 10 secs for it to complete. It’s also important to set the WLAN switch to on during the process.
  • As one PSP is loading the menu screen, the other will follow suit. At this point, if you want to exit the menu, all it takes is a press on the X button. What happens next is the game state would be loaded from 1P. And you can also make it in sync with 2P.
  • Another point to remember that state loads and key config can be shared between devices.
  • Anytime you’re ready to explore another game, head back to the menu. Repeat the same process all over again.

Final Thoughts on Sega Emulators for PSP

That’s how to install Sega emulator for PSP.

Now that it becomes a part of the system, you can play your favorite classics using the handheld.

Emulation isn’t new, but many people know that it runs on PC. The truth is, modern handhelds like the PSP can do it as well. Thanks to RetroArch, it becomes a possibility.

Sega is one of so many game formats that the emulator supports. Speaking of installation, it could be intricate especially for novices.

But we believe you’ll get better with practice. The difficulty is often attributed to the broad range of options provided. The fact that the software is constantly updated doesn’t help, either, because that means the features will be richer than before.

Having said that, all you need is time to figure out how the program works and how to install it on your PSP or another system.

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