good league of legends youtubers

12 Best League of Legends Youtube Channels: Most Popular LOL Youtubers [2022]

As the best-selling MOBA of all time, League of Legends has a huge following. Between its professional leagues, collegiate tournaments, and online streaming channels, there’s enough LoL content to satisfy…

As the best-selling MOBA of all time, League of Legends has a huge following.

Between its professional leagues, collegiate tournaments, and online streaming channels, there’s enough LoL content to satisfy everyone, from the beginner to the professional.

It should come as no surprise that you can learn a lot about League of Legends by watching videos about it.

But what are the best League of Legends channels on YouTube for beginners?

Well, many people post videos on YouTube about League of Legends (LoL), and it can be hard to find the “cream of the crop.”

These 10 channels are considered by many to be the best around, and they are full of great content that will help even the most novice players get a better understanding of how the game works and how to improve their skills.

12 Best League of Legends Youtube Channels in 2022

1. ProGuides

If you’re new to League of Legends, this channel is everything you need to dive deeper into the game.

They upload videos constantly and there’s new stuff included in every video.

If you are yet to understand the basics of LoL, there’s a specific video in the channel that shows how to start as a beginner.

It’s very helpful because there are many abbreviations used in this game that newbies are unfamiliar with.

The video also mentions the most important aspects of the game, the objectives, characters you’d expect to encounter during the area expansion, to name a few.

Just as the name implies, this channel centers around League of Legends. Hence, if you want to know everything about the game, you can keep updated by subscribing to the channel.

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2. League Of Legends’ Official Channel

League of Legends’ official channel is a perfect place to find new information about the game, like new skins, champions, etc.

With over 12.8 million subscribers, it’s among the most popular LoL channels ever, which also has an impact on views.

Many of the most recent videos have amassed over a million views.

There’s even one with over 13 million views uploaded just a few days ago.

You can watch playthroughs on some, but the rest are made for entertainment purposes.

If you’re more concerned about learning the mechanics, then the previous channel would suit you more.

Also Read: How many champions are in League of Legends?

3. Phreak

This is channel is not to be missed out on for those specifically looking for patch reviews.

A patch is a modification applied to files of LoL. It contains a variety of materials, which includes new game content and bug fixes.

You can also find new skins as well as items.

Another thing covered in a patch is balance changes. This is necessary to spread outbalance across champions, so you don’t feel that some are too overpowering, while others come up short in this area.

Phreak isn’t particularly a big channel judging by the number of subscribers, but that’s not a big deal.

At least the videos are high quality and have long durations, which is great if you want a detailed explanation of each patch.

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4. MagikarpUsedFly

MagikarpUsedFly is often seen as a meme channel, not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Every popular game is a source of memes. What makes this channel stand out is it has so much personality.

If you want awesome commentary on LoL, visit this one. He doesn’t just cover League of Legends, anyway.

You can also find other games here. The editing skills are another selling point.

Every gaming Youtuber has their way to present content. What MagikarpUsedFly does leaves a similar impression.

We’re sure you’ll be entertained by the videos. In terms of popularity, he’s doing decently.

The channel has been up since February 2014 and has generated over 428 million views.

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5. Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides

The name of this channel pretty much sums up the content. If you’re looking for a beginner’s guide to League of Legends, it has some great information for you.

They compile videos and articles from some top players in the world of LoL. As a huge MOBA title, it’s not hard to find people who have become die-hard fans of LoL.

Furthermore, the channel is committed to helping new players improve their skills. At a glance, League of Legends seems fun and easy, but what’s going on in the game is more complex than you’d imagine.

It’s not just about knowing the objective, but also figuring out all the aspects of the game and how it should be played. And even if you know the basics, there’s a lot more to discover to boost your competitive edge.

Basically, there’s something new to learn every day.

The most popular video published by the channel is entitled Top 5 Secret Jungle Mechanics You Need to Know. Don’t worry, the video is not clickbait at all. It’s actually packed with useful information.

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6. T1 Faker

Feel familiar with the name of the channel?

Yep, the person running the channel is the same guy who won LoL tournaments multiple times.

He may be young, but Lee “Faker” Sang Hyeok has cemented his legacy in the world of eSports after bringing home so many awards.

He’s like the face of League of Legends, not just in Korea, but also in the whole world.

He’s mostly recognized for his distinct aggressive playstyle in the mid-lane. Just take a look at the channel’s video history. It’s clearly his face on the thumbnails, and the use of Korean in the titles further proves that.

Yep, it turns out that your favorite eSports players are just like regular gamers. They also have Youtube channels and other social media accounts to keep in touch with fans and followers.

He’s quite successful as a Youtuber. In only about 3 years since its debut in February 2017, he has earned about 1.13 million subscribers and over 159 million views.

As for his professional career in eSports, he has earned over $1 million in prize money, which is an amazing figure.

7. LS

This is another channel you must visit for complete recaps of newly-released patches.

What we like about LS is he includes the most essential information in the videos.

Yes, the durations are quite long, but that’s because patches often require lengthy explanations. The good news is he doesn’t go overboard with the information and tries to keep it as dense as possible.

He also adds relevant visuals to the videos, so that the viewers can get the point.

You can see him scroll through pages while giving a rundown. It’s like when you screen records a tutorial with the pointer running freely across the screen.

We wouldn’t say it’s a massive channel, but popularity has nothing to do with quality. And this channel is all about quality, so you should check it out.

8. videogamedunkey

This is more like a comprehensive channel that talks about a variety of games, not just League of Legends.

He also keeps an eye on new releases like Fall Guys.

The channel doesn’t upload videos too often, but you can rest assured that every video garners a lot of views because it’s already established with a huge following.

As you can see, the total of subscribers has hit the 6 million mark.

Watching the videos is a lot of fun because he has a unique sense of humor which you may find sarcastic in a way.

Overall, it’s a good channel, just not focused on LoL.

9. Protatomonster

There are a lot of things about League of Legends we can talk about.

If you want a channel that provides new information about the game, Protatomonster is the answer.

In the videos, you can see people playing while having a conversation.

The topics brought up are also interesting. The recent one has information on how to work as a team. This game has always been about teamwork.

Togetherness is what creates a larger entity and makes you stronger. There are also videos explaining bait and escape tricks, which are equally important.

You can’t go straight attacking an enemy champion without measuring his power first. If you don’t have the upper hand, you’re the one that will be defeated.

10. Synotik

Seeing gamers play is just as interesting as playing the actual game.

This channel is dedicated to creating montages of the most talented LoL players across the globe.

Keep in mind that every gamer has a unique play style.

They may use the same champions, but playstyle also has an impact on your chance of winning the battle.

Additionally, there are also compilation videos that put together a few players, so that you can compare them directly.

11. Zwag Xerath

League of Legends is not a new game. Some Youtubers do deserve praise for staying true to their commitment to providing LoL content for so long.

This channel is one of them. Scrolling through the archive, you’ll realize that he’s truly devoted to the game.

Not a day goes by without him uploading LoL gameplays. You can watch him dissect everything about the game.

The loyalty has turned out well for him because his views are very stable, averaging over 150,000 for each upload.

The engagement is great considering he only has around 327k subscribers.

That means a large chunk of the followers is eagerly waiting for new content.

This channel has been up since December 2019 and has garnered more than 115 million total views.

12. Vars

Vars is another channel we’d recommend if you want to be enlightened about different facets of League of Legends.

As with other MOBA games, LoL is easy to play, but not so easy to master.

There are many things to delve deeper into if you want to be great at the role assigned to you.

This is where this channel shines because it touches on topics that you probably weren’t aware of before.

For example, in one of the videos, he gives his take on badly designed abilities.

And In another video, he sheds light on the challenges of being a top player and how taking this role impacts the state of the game.

There are other interesting discussions you can find on the channel. It’s definitely one you should dig more and subscribe to if you consider yourself a staunch League of Legends fan.

While Vars is not a big channel, it has grown a lot since it was launched in January 2018. It has amassed over 36 million views to date with north of 145k subscribers.

Also Read: Reasons Not to Play LOL

Top League Youtubers FAQs

How much money MagikarpUsedFly makes on YouTube?

His estimated monthly earnings are between $538 and $8.6K.

Actually, it’s not hard to predict the income of a Youtube channel because the information is subject to public access.

All you have to do is visit, type in the channel you want to check on, and hit enter.

The information about earnings will be displayed afterward.

What are the best LOL channels for learning?

We’ve mentioned some of them on the above list.

There are many topics covered by League of Legend channels. Some specialize in making montages, while others are focused on the mechanics of the game.

Now it all comes down to you. If you’re new and just started to learn, the latter would be more appropriate to subscribe to.

Any best league of legends girl Youtubers?

You can check out LilyPichu’s channel. She’s one of the female Youtubers who play LoL.

She also broadcasts her games regularly. She’s primarily known for her unique creativity to include hand-drawn sketches in videos.

Another you can consider is Pokimane. She has over 5.5 million subscribers on Youtube.

Besides League of Legends, she also plays Fortnite.

What are some funny league of legends Youtubers?

Not all Youtube channels are created equal. Some really stand out because they have hilarious content.

Granted, there are channels that take LoL seriously in the sense that they give insightful information about the basics, tricks, and other fun stuff.

But the thing is there are no rules as to how you should approach the game. You can be funny while still conveying a message.

And that’s where MagikarpUsedFly and some other personalities are good at. We also suggest you visit BunnyFuFuu and LoLtyler1.

Which is the No 1 YouTube channel in general?

If you’re curious, T-Series was the number one channel on YouTube in terms of subscribers at the time of writing this piece.

It’s a music record label and film production that is headquartered in India. It has 151 million subscribers.

The second place on this list turns out to be a popular gaming channel, PewDiePie. As of today, he has collected over 106 million subscribers.

Who is the No 1 gamer YouTuber?

PewDiePie easily comes first if we rank them by a number of subscribers. The sub count he has is massive, hitting the 111 million mark already.

This milestone translates well into the views of his uploaded videos.

Meanwhile, the second most popular gaming Youtuber is JuegaGerman. He has over 45 million followers on this platform with a staggering 13.2 billion views.

Others in this list are Fernanfloo and VEGETTA777.

Is League of Legends pay to win?

Splurging money doesn’t give you a competitive edge over other players, so no, this game doesn’t adopt the ‘pay to win’ scheme.

The microtransactions are purely to enhance aesthetics.

A game is considered pay to win if it gives room to players to spend money in exchange for special abilities, which is not the case with League of Legends.

How much does it cost to buy all LoL champions?

Collecting all the champions can cost about $550 in total.

Some of them are $10 each, while others are priced at a couple of dollars.

Individual purchases might not seem expensive, but the amount adds up quickly when you try to get your hands on all these heroes.

Final Thoughts: LOL of Esports Youtube Channels

League of Legends is one of the games featured in eSports.

This just goes to show how popular this game is among fans. There’s no denying that LoL is addictive, but to compete at a professional level isn’t the same thing.

You need to know how the game plays, understand the mechanics, and pick the right role to play along with other teammates.

League of Legends still maintains its position as a top eSports game with numerous tournaments taking place worldwide annually. The prize payouts are also monstrous.

By the way, the objective of this game is quite simple. There are two teams loaded onto the map Summoner’s Rift.

And then, you have to sneak into the enemy’s base and take down their main building.

What makes it difficult is you have to pass through enemy champions, minions, and turrets.

All of them are readily protect their area from intruders. Each champion is equipped with a unique set of skills.

If you can’t match what the other team has, it will be hard for you to beat them.

Luckily, you can learn essential tricks from the best League Of legends Youtube channels like those mentioned earlier.

Featured Image Credit: Lolfinity

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